Puisi László Jávor Berjudul Gloomy Sunday 16 Bait 66 Baris
Gloomy Sunday
Hungary Version
"Szomorú Vasárnap száz fehér virággal,
Vártalak, kedvesem, templomi imával,
Álmokat kergető vasárnap délelőtt,
Bánatom hintaja nélküled visszajött.
Azóta szomorú mindig a vasárnap,
Könny csak az italom, kenyerem a bánat...
Szomorú vasárnap.
Utolsó vasárnap, kedvesem, gyere el;
Pap is lesz, koporsó, ravatal, gyászlepel,
Akkor is virág vár, virág és - koporsó,
Virágos fák alatt utam az utolsó.
Nyitva lesz szemem, hogy még egyszer lássalak,
Ne félj a szememtől, holtan is áldalak...
Utolsó vasárnap."
English Version
"On a sad Sunday with a hundred white flowers,
I was waiting for you, my dear, with a church prayer,
That dream-chasing Sunday morning,
The chariot of my sadness returned without you.
Ever since then, Sundays are always sad,
tears are my drink, and sorrow is my bread...
Sad Sunday.
Last Sunday, my dear, please come along;
There will even be priest, coffin, catafalque, hearse-cloth,
Even then flowers will be awaiting you, flowers and coffin,
Under blossoming (flowering in Hungarian) trees my journey shall be the last.
My eyes will be open, so that I can see you one more time,
Do not be afraid of my eyes as I am blessing you even in my death...
Last Sunday."
Indonesia Version
"Minggu yang suram dengan ratusan bunga warna putih,
Aku telah menunggumu, sayangku, bersama seorang pendoa gereja,
Mengejar mimpi di Minggu pagi,
Kereta kesedihanku telah kembali tanpamu.
Sejak itu, Minggu adalah kesedihan,
minumanku adalah air mata, rotiku adalah kesedihan....
Minggu yang suram.
Minggu terakhir, sayangku, datanglah kepadaku;
Akan ada seorang pendeta, peti mati, panggung, kain dan mobil jenazah,
Bahkan akan ada bunga-bunga yang menunggumu, bunga bunga dan peti mati,
Di bawah mekar (berbunga di Hungaria) pepohonan - perjalananku akan berakhir.
Mataku akan terbuka, sehingga aku bisa melihatmu sekali lagi
Jangan takut melihat mataku karena aku memberkatimu bahkan dalam kematianku ...
Minggu yang terakhir."
Song Version
Gloomy Sunday
Sunday is gloomy, my hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows I live with are numberless
Little white flowers will never awaken you
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thought of ever returning you
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you?
Gloomy Sunday
Gloomy is Sunday, with shadows I spend it all
My heart and I have decided to end it all
Soon there'll be candles and prayers that are sad I know
Let them not weep let them know that I'm glad to go
Death is no dream for in death I'm caressing you
With the last breath of my soul I'll be blessing you
Gloomy Sunday
Dreaming, I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep in the deep of my heart, here
Darling, I hope that my dream never haunted you
My heart is telling you how much I wanted you
Gloomy Sunday